*** Anon7110 is now known as Mari-Elise
<Rebecca> Hi Anon
<Rebecca> Hi hugo
<hugo> Hi there! All is well?
<Rebecca> Yes, just having SMS chat with Robert, slightly distracted
<hugo> That's why things take so long...
<Mari-Elise> Invite him in  
<hugo> Can he join us here?
<Rebecca> I'll ask - hold on
<Mari-Elise> sure
<hugo> Yep.
<hugo> Commercial break. If one needs to take a leak, please do it now ...
<hugo> In the meantime please watch our latest offer on sell.tv
<hugo> zap...!
<Rebecca> already done so, but drunk lots of water too....so...
<hugo> ... tsunami victims ...
<hugo> zap!
<hugo> Discovery is on again...
<Rebecca> what are they discovering today
<hugo> OK, so you've filled your self with a wholesome tsunami?
<Mari-Elise> LOL
<hugo> God knows...
<hugo> fighter planes part 400006
<Mari-Elise> Rebecca, he is just joking
<hugo> submarines... handy!
<Rebecca> i can tell hugo's on good form, ready to go!
<hugo> that's my subtitles...
<hugo> in good shape
<Mari-Elise> He just heard a D12 cd with lots of jokes in the music
<hugo> toooooo
<hugo> and listned to Rammsteins reise reise yesterday
<Mari-Elise> Hugo relax, Rebecca cant keep up with you, while smsíng Robert
<Mari-Elise> Is Robert coming?
<hugo> stereo!
<hugo> excuse me?
<hugo> joining us I mean
<Rebecca> OK, just heard back from Robert - can't, he's 'off road since tsunami. say hi to them'
<hugo> Hi back!
<Mari-Elise> twice with a big hug from me
<Rebecca> OK, finished with Robert. Just about to light candle & adjust 'state'. 2 mins?
<Rebecca> I mean passed on yr messages & finished...
<hugo> Whatever you need
<hugo> Lighting candle and finishing a scan here
<hugo> all set and ready for take off
<hugo> What's going to be today's topic???
<Rebecca> Just had scan alret here too - is the chatroom that's been scanned?
<Rebecca> Not sure...
<hugo> Nope, just a map for an invitation to Janna's birthday's party.
<hugo> Let them watch. And learn...
<Rebecca> Cant read it
*** Anon7110 is now known as Mari-Elise
<Rebecca> Hi Anon
<Rebecca> Hi hugo
<hugo> Hi there! All is well?
<Rebecca> Yes, just having SMS chat with Robert, slightly distracted
<hugo> That's why things take so long...
<Mari-Elise> Invite him in 
<hugo> Can he join us here?
<Rebecca> I'll ask - hold on
<Mari-Elise> sure
<hugo> Yep.
<hugo> Commercial break. If one needs to take a leak, please do it now ...
<hugo> In the meantime please watch our latest offer on sell.tv
<hugo> zap...!
<Rebecca> already done so, but drunk lots of water too....so...
<hugo> ... tsunami victims ...
<hugo> zap!
<hugo> Discovery is on again...
<Rebecca> what are they discovering today
<hugo> OK, so you've filled your self with a wholesome tsunami?
<Mari-Elise> LOL
<hugo> God knows...
<hugo> fighter planes part 400006
<Mari-Elise> Rebecca, he is just joking
<hugo> submarines... handy!
<Rebecca> i can tell hugo's on good form, ready to go!
<hugo> that's my subtitles...
<hugo> in good shape
<Mari-Elise> He just heard a D12 cd with lots of jokes in the music
<hugo> toooooo
<hugo> and listned to Rammsteins reise reise yesterday
<Mari-Elise> Hugo relax, Rebecca cant keep up with you, while smsíng Robert
<Mari-Elise> Is Robert coming?
<hugo> stereo!
<hugo> excuse me?
<hugo> joining us I mean
<Rebecca> OK, just heard back from Robert - can't, he's 'off road since tsunami. say hi to them'
<hugo> Hi back!
<Mari-Elise> twice with a big hug from me
<Rebecca> OK, finished with Robert. Just about to light candle & adjust 'state'. 2 mins?
<Rebecca> I mean passed on yr messages & finished...
<hugo> Whatever you need
<hugo> Lighting candle and finishing a scan here
<hugo> all set and ready for take off
<hugo> What's going to be today's topic???
<Rebecca> Just had scan alret here too - is the chatroom that's been scanned?
<Rebecca> Not sure...
<hugo> Nope, just a map for an invitation to Janna's birthday's party.
<hugo> Let them watch. And learn...
<Rebecca> Cant read it
<hugo> some blocks remain
<hugo> See anything?
<Mari-Elise> waiting
<hugo> Morc calling Orson...
<Rebecca> Not yet, feeling huge heart energy
<hugo> That should be OK
<hugo> There are LOT'S of unresolved issues concerning alien presence
<hugo> Just let it flow...
<Mari-Elise> to who are you talking?
<hugo> These people need recognition
<hugo> All are one remember?
<hugo> Talking to them also
<Rebecca> You go chat with them then.....I've let them go, don't want to link in, least of all with Universal Heart open & flowing
<Rebecca> :-)
<Rebecca> ...:-)
<hugo> Why need to protect teritory?
<Mari-Elise> What is exactly the working of the universall Heart?
<hugo> Universal heart is highest vibration, no danger of whatever happening to it
<hugo> They need a glimpse of the universal heart. Have lost touch
<Rebecca> In a tunnel, thought it was train, but maybe not, travelling al speed of light almost
<hugo> You got invited
<hugo> Can you consider keeping the sender side of the connection open for them to see?
<hugo> A one-way shield should do
<Rebecca> To see what - our meditation? Maybe we can project the energy to them
<hugo> See a glimse of Light
<hugo> Have been in the dark for a considerable time. Need to Lighten up
<Rebecca> Lets turn all the lights on then.....
<Rebecca> Now?
<hugo> :)
<hugo> As good a time as any
<hugo> How's that for a forgotten group, huh?
<Rebecca> I fell it's too much at once - there are repercussions. Not sure it's our place to impose the light. Not feeling comfortable with this route. Can we take a short break
<hugo> Sure
<hugo> Think it's OK for now anyway
<hugo> Thank you!
<hugo> Let's change topic
<hugo> Any suggestions?
<Mari-Elise> suggestions are lost at this side of the computer
<Rebecca> I blasted light onto the planet - they were blown away - it  was impacting on their systems, them. It looked as though I was blowing them up! I don't want to play this role. Shall we go back to the heart connection of we 3 & ask for another topic?
<hugo> Mari-Elise made the contact with Alpha Centauri. Exchanged daily impressions.
<hugo> That was NOT the idea. Show them differs from sending them
<hugo> Like to hold a picture
<Rebecca> Yes
<Mari-Elise> just like t.v.
<hugo> Exactly, or a plate of food before a cat
<Mari-Elise> that is to much, they arent able to eat
<Mari-Elise> that is to much, they arent able to eat
<Rebecca> What was your experience mari-elise?
<hugo> Never mind Rebecca, they have something to investigate now
<hugo> And open a relief account probably ;)
<Mari-Elise> I couldnt connect with what you were doing, so I decided to go to Alpha centuari.
<Mari-Elise> I was welcomed in a little village, I stand before a group of people, different ages, and I just sended common daily issues, like me getting love of a dog and cat. THe feeling from a hug of a loved one.
<Mari-Elise> The joy of being at home and get a greeting from our cats, hugo and Janna.
<Mari-Elise> The feeling of a proud loving mother.
<Mari-Elise> The feeling of joy after a childbirth when the newborn baby turns her head to the voice she heard before.
<Mari-Elise> THe feeling of love as a connection between man and woman.
<Mari-Elise> THey listened very carefully, they were completly silence, no one was moving
<hugo> E(nergetic) motion, quite alien to them
<Mari-Elise> When it was time to return, they thanked me by giving a book, they didnt come closer, they didnt dare.
<hugo> You were the alien ;)
<Rebecca> I can feel what you're saying. 
<hugo> Nice!!!
<Mari-Elise> of course I was. They were ready to listen to daily live love. I am gratefull for that.
<hugo> Damn caps-lock again
<hugo> Who thinks of doing stuff like this?
<Mari-Elise> I guess me
<hugo> I'm sure they don't get this every week
<hugo> Yeah, you, and?
<Mari-Elise> shall we see if we can restore some damage of the blast?
<hugo> Good point
<Mari-Elise> Very carefully
<hugo> First see if there is "damage"
<Rebecca> Yes, it wasn't the whole planet, stopped 
<hugo> OBSERVE (thank you)
<hugo> Thank goodness
<Mari-Elise> Any idea how to do it someone?
<hugo> Yep!
<hugo> Find a volunteer to go and SEE
<hugo> Determine damage from OBSERVATIONS
<hugo> Report back
<Mari-Elise> No way something else.
<Rebecca> Went & looked - not physiocal damage, more energetic off - balance
<Mari-Elise> Time is not linair
<Rebecca> restored balance - apologies
<Mari-Elise> Send love in time to somewhere else
<hugo> Maybe good idea to ask for assistence from Kryon or applicable
<Mari-Elise> Elementals 
<hugo> Also perfect
<hugo> Both
<hugo> Good Rebecca
<hugo> Maybe they recieved a jolt upwards in their development. Should turn out good I feel
<hugo> There's a good market for sunglasses there now
<Rebecca> think it was showing the potential of doing this, more than the reality in fact
<Mari-Elise> I also showed them the love I felt for the universe
<hugo> Brilliant. I can live with that
<Mari-Elise> I also showed them love radiating from my aura
<hugo> This circus will be in town next winter! Come and behold
<hugo> Secundary?
<Mari-Elise> I hope I wont become a local saint by doing this  VBS
<hugo> Like the heat of a fire
<hugo> You're GOD out there
<hugo> Hey Rebecca, where's your Goddess turf?
<Mari-Elise> Any how, what's next?
<Rebecca> Unsure - of both questions
<hugo> Nesara can do with some attention
<hugo> Never mind, they'll come in time, or not...
<hugo> Can anyone sense what's going on with lady Nesara and Kuthumi?
<Rebecca> Don't know her - is there a connection?
<hugo> Supposed to have become entity by now
<hugo> Creative thought created person
<Mari-Elise> I dont know her either. She was mentioned by Nesara'supporters a few months agol
<Mari-Elise> I mean ago
<Mari-Elise> Hugo you know her, so can you go and ask?
<hugo> No energy is consciousness-less
<Rebecca> You have no energy?
<hugo> Yeah, right! Saw her at tea this afternoon. That's why I'm asking. hoping someone has a fel.
<hugo> feeeel
<Mari-Elise> Sorry not us I am afraid.
<hugo> OK, just checking
<hugo> I need more time. Energy is rather OK
<Rebecca> Was in Egypt just now - resonate with either of you
<Mari-Elise> Let
<Mari-Elise> let's go there
<hugo> We both have Egypt roots
<hugo> Where in particular?
<Mari-Elise> What was calling you to Egypt?
<hugo> Detail
<Rebecca> Huge buildings, walking through corridors through the centre - brilliant sunshine, red tone everywhere
<hugo> Amarna?
<hugo> Luxor?
<Mari-Elise> Amarna I guess
<Rebecca> Don't know - not good on Egyptian history - haven't been there either
<hugo> Can you describe it a bit?
<Rebecca> We can go with Amarna
<hugo> That'l do.
<hugo> Rebecca, know anything about Amarna?
<Rebecca> Large buildings in a row, 'tunnel' cut through each so you can walk on a path through the centre of each one
<Mari-Elise> Let's us see where she comes up with
<hugo> What's the fun in that one?
<hugo> Not very practicle it seems
<Rebecca> Almost square buildings, with sloping sides - not too tall, NOT pyramids! :-)
<hugo> Got ya
<hugo> Any flag-poles?
<hugo> Statues?
<hugo> Processions?
<hugo> People?
<Mari-Elise> paintings with wild life on walls and on the floor?
<Rebecca> Right at the end there's a temple. Nothing there - some markings on the walls
<hugo> Can you get a closer look?
<hugo> Bas- or haut relief?
<Rebecca> Pink marble floor - maybe the buldings too. Carvings into wall & floor - people - usual Egyption images - I'll keep looking
<hugo> Pink marble? Possibly early dynasty.
<Rebecca> Hugo, was I your mum ever?
<Mari-Elise> What was calling you to Egypt?
<Mari-Elise> Sounds good
<hugo> LOL! Guess you were. Don't ask where and when.
<Rebecca> Yes, the purpose for this visit.....? I'll try 7 find out
<hugo> Oops, wrong sender. Don't know Rebecca
<hugo> Could very well be. Was your son an architect?
<hugo> Had 4 lives in Egypt I was told by a bartender.
<Rebecca> I lived there - in one of those building - carried things on a cushion in to the temple - up to the altar.
<hugo> Regular devotional temple duty practise
<hugo> Aton?
<Rebecca> I wonder - I could easily make up a story here about you but wont'. I saw the connection to you, looking at what happened re the greys. I didn't want to go there but you kept pushing until I gave in - but I gave to much! And regretted it - saw me as mother, you as younger son. 
<Rebecca> Not that I blame - interesting to see our stuff
<Mari-Elise> the same pattern, but Hugo didnt push that much today.
<Rebecca> No, my stuff
<Rebecca> No, it must have been a very easy button to push!
<hugo> Hi mum! Promise me one thing: use your own discernment.
<hugo> Love goes in peculiar ways
<Rebecca> Of course
<Mari-Elise> Funny to see that patterns in life are repeatable in anohter life and very easily to adjust to the new situation. :)
<hugo> I'll try and be as specific as I can from now on.
<hugo> you basically don't repeat a pattern
<hugo> An issue recurs until resolved
<Rebecca> Yes, patterns always come up for clearing
<hugo> Has nothing to do with time
<hugo> Correct!
<Rebecca> No, 
<Mari-Elise> OF course I KNOW
<Rebecca> I mean correct
<hugo> OK
<Rebecca> Not sure why that came up whilst visiting Egypt - maybe you were my son there, but as I say I can easily make it that way. 
<Rebecca> So best leave that for now.
<hugo> Yes, I know. There should be something to it.
<hugo> Our wildest imaginations are mostly reality
<Mari-Elise> So tell us the story, you can find out if there ring a bell, okay, leave is also good
<Mari-Elise> What matters are the awareness of patterns
<hugo> Interesting discovery! I'll put it on the shelve with the rest
<hugo> I guess we three, amongst others, are playing this game togheter for some time now
<Mari-Elise> who me, why?
<Rebecca> Walking up to the altar, boy rushes in & takes something from the cushion, to provoke response. I response - not with laughter...
<hugo> Yes you! Do'nknow...
<hugo> You are too serious some times LOL I probably shouldn't have been a bad boy
<Mari-Elise> :) yes you were
<hugo> Still am I hope...
<hugo> OK, I'm getting old...
<Rebecca> Ah well, it stopped there.
<hugo> Good enough for now
<hugo> You were not by chance a Hittite princess?
<Rebecca> Maybe - had several lives, only aware of the roles in 2
<hugo> More then I can recollect
<hugo> I need to be told
<hugo> Lemuria?
<Rebecca> Was energy worker in both. Yes Lemuria
<hugo> Any specific recollections?
<Rebecca> Yes, one physical, one non
<Rebecca> Light worker in both. No details of family etc - alone maybe?
<hugo> I had a strong feeling of connectedness when I was snorkling from a Maledive.
<hugo> The tranquility and unison with sea-life
<Rebecca> Are we running low? Shall we finish up?
<Mari-Elise> Is there a feeling of need to do things? I got several options of what we can do together.
<Mari-Elise> Hugo is taking a little break for a toilet stop, he is returning already
<hugo> Back
<Rebecca> Go ahead - feeling a bit 'off the road' like Robert tonight. Lets give it a go.
<hugo> ME: let's here a suggestion
<Mari-Elise> the energy is of the road, I had it this morning.
<Rebecca> that feels better
<Mari-Elise> Suggestions: a little urge to visit Ashtar again.
<hugo> Not again!!!!
<Rebecca> that feels better
<Mari-Elise> 2 and I had this week connection with a dolphin and it is possible to go there and connect with 3 of us for some work or exchange
<Mari-Elise> It can be also these 2 together.
<hugo> 2 and I???
<Mari-Elise> of course
<hugo> Nice reply, no answer
<Rebecca> Yes
<Rebecca> Working out what it meant 0- sorry
<hugo> Burp!
<hugo> Mari-Elise is looking up something
<hugo> Dolphin picture
<Mari-Elise> all ready for the dolphin meeting? Shall I send the picture by email? If I take you, you won't need it.
<hugo> Would like the picture anyway
<Rebecca> Ready, no picture
<hugo> We're quick, but not that quick
<Mari-Elise> picture is going your way, let's go
<Mari-Elise> Hugo is waiting for picture
<Mari-Elise> Ready
<Mari-Elise> Ready?
<hugo> Sec
<Rebecca> Ready, thought we were there...
<Rebecca> Oh, didn't pick up picture if you sent - sorry didn't think required as you said
<Mari-Elise> still busy, get frustrated 
<hugo> Hang on, got it
<Mari-Elise> why do you need it, anyway?
<hugo> FOCUS
<Mari-Elise> Okay, let's go now, taking a deep breath and relax
<hugo> Swam with this one you know?
<Mari-Elise> already there
<Mari-Elise> let's swim with her now
<Mari-Elise> If someone need some time with her, please tell otherwise we will go together to Ashtar.
<Rebecca> Loads of them, swimming between 2
<Mari-Elise> Okay I will take it easy and relaxed
<Mari-Elise> Start swimming also
<hugo> Already on lap 12
<hugo> Who's faster, man or dolphin?
<Mari-Elise> if you are ready, please let know, then we will go to the next phase
<hugo> Ready
<Mari-Elise> putting Hugo on a beamer track, of you go, see you at the meeting room. Say hello to my mother please.
<hugo> Do I have a say in this? LOL
<hugo> Mothers coil already in hand
<Rebecca> Went to meeting room - can return
<hugo> Hang on
<Mari-Elise> No way, I come too with lady dolphin
<Rebecca> Strange - meeting room filled with water - that's not water
<hugo> To accomodate guest
<hugo> LOL!
<Mari-Elise> VBS she is awaited
<hugo> And happily greeted
<Mari-Elise> I am here
<Rebecca> Its just different frequencies
<Mari-Elise> Who are coming? Some specific guest, do you see Rebecca?
<Rebecca> Ashtar + another I see - below me! As I circle above!!
<hugo> Eagle Rebecca
<Rebecca> Dolphin rebecca - in 'water'
<hugo> LOL! 
<Mari-Elise> Lady Dolphin joined us in the meeting room
<hugo> Happy atmosphere this time
<Rebecca> They leave the table & rise up also - Jeshua
<Mari-Elise> Who also?
<Rebecca> Ashtar
<hugo> No kidin'?
<Rebecca> 2 dolphins
<Mari-Elise> one of the earth one of somewhere else
<hugo> 12th planet
<hugo> Arcturian
<Rebecca> Both somewhere else, no?
<Rebecca> was Ashtar on earth?
<hugo> not important
<hugo> Echnaton maybe
<Mari-Elise> at this moment yes, private talk about their species upon earth. They will join us later. There should be coming more aliens (consideirng we ae humans, allthough Rebecca as Eagle is quite fitting).
<hugo> Let them be welcome
<Mari-Elise> Joining undescribable alien, from other univers
<Mari-Elise> joining draconian male and female both from different planets
<Rebecca> jeshua showing me how to be more like the dolphin, although I am one/have been etc. Drawing parallels for exiostence
<hugo> That's him alright!
<Mari-Elise> Giving book of meeting greys to Ashtar
<Mari-Elise> getting shivers
<hugo> Why?
<Mari-Elise> Giving book of meeting greys to Ashtar felt appriopriate
<hugo> OK
<hugo> So some more are to join the festivities here? Welcome all!
<hugo> Draconians included
<Rebecca> Welcome all - he tells me it's like a bus station here! (laughs)
<hugo> Greys included
<hugo> MIIB
<hugo> MIB actually
<Rebecca> MIIB?
<hugo> Men In Black
<Rebecca> Exactly
<Mari-Elise> I bow my head to the one who gave me the book at the meeting in his village
<hugo> Airport hall kind of think. Quite amuzing
<Mari-Elise> Big meeting today sceduled
<hugo> I second that. Good move brother!
<hugo> So what's new?
<Rebecca> What's on the agenda?
<Mari-Elise> I guess the meetingroom is getting widened.
<Mari-Elise> Let
<Mari-Elise> the same 'mistake
<hugo> One learns from mistakes
<Mari-Elise> agenda is exchange of information on how the conditions are upon earth
<Mari-Elise> next exchange of ideas and geeting to meet each other
<hugo> not ready yet
<Mari-Elise> rest is up to Ashtar
<Mari-Elise> so far as I know now
<hugo> first contact and aftermath
<hugo> and us
<hugo> the new Earth
<Mari-Elise> are we as 4 people upon the agenda?
<Rebecca> 4?
<Mari-Elise> dont ask me why I typped 4, who is with us, some familair?
<hugo> Mystery guesst...
<hugo> Robert?
<Rebecca> Dolphin & jeshua with me - watching
<Mari-Elise> Do you see Rebecca who is with us?
<Rebecca> Human you feel?
<hugo> You're the one with the Eagle sight
<Rebecca> Dolphin...
<Mari-Elise> 4 humans
<Rebecca> Sonar
<hugo> Human with a sonar? Dracula
<Mari-Elise> little s
<hugo> cute]
<Rebecca> Luc?
<hugo> we are probably overlooking the obvious here
<hugo> nope
<Mari-Elise> Janna
<Mari-Elise> ??
<hugo> my thought
<hugo> fish connection obvious
<Rebecca> Who's Janna? Does he / she know we're doing this?
<hugo> She's our daughter
<Rebecca> Sorry....
<hugo> talks with our fish
<hugo> No need for sorry!!!!!
<Mari-Elise> and birds
<hugo> Our daughter is a dolphin, good!
<Mari-Elise> I learned her to talk with heart connection with our fish, now she tries it on every animal. And she already learned that the fish dont bother the distance when they are hungry or seeking for company
<hugo> Common ESP thing
<Rebecca> Cool!
<hugo> yup!
<Mari-Elise> Back to the meeting, they are waiting for us 
<Mari-Elise> They think it is typicall human to waste time in this kind of talks. VBS
<Rebecca> VBS!!
<hugo> They are right!
<Rebecca> But they laugh
<hugo> How long was a galactical week again?
<hugo> Back to business
<Mari-Elise> Good S
<hugo> what's up?
<Mari-Elise> Attention connected to the centre of the meeting room 
<Mari-Elise> There is a large bowl filled with colored water in rainbow colors
<Mari-Elise> With every ones attention on this bowl, the water should change in colors and will respond on the combined thoughts, messages and so on
<Rebecca> It becomes the earth / globe
<Mari-Elise> Just like a transmitter or translator, if you wish to see it that way.
<Mari-Elise> One of the draconian is standing and wants to make a plee for his planet and people
<hugo> Later my friend
<Mari-Elise> receiving message in my third eye.
<Mari-Elise> Rebecca do you see anything?
<Rebecca> Earth kind of breaking & repairing. Also aware of other planets floating around this room
<hugo> Is the Draconian still talking?
<Mari-Elise> The bowl changes of color, reddish gold with orange
<Mari-Elise> He waits for your permission
<hugo> Sounds good
<Rebecca> Maybe everyone brought their planets with them - etheric
<hugo> If the bowl is stable he may speak
<Mari-Elise> yes they did
<Mari-Elise> it is
<hugo> Good. Let the Draconian emmisary have his say
<hugo> Wow, he needed that!!!!!!!
<Mari-Elise> what did he say?
<hugo> No idea
<Mari-Elise> nice judge are you
<hugo> I go by the feeling of it
<hugo> details I leave to Ashtar and crew
<hugo> E-motion
<Mari-Elise> describe the feeling please, for it is granted
<Rebecca> Earth's imbalance is affecting all the others - they're moving in the 'water' in response to earth. When we creat balance on earth they will all regain stability - well, more chance of it. But we know that anyway
<hugo> OK, big relief of wanting to express. Good to be heard. 
<hugo> Yes, that's the major issue
<hugo> We need to get it right this time
<Mari-Elise> What is asked of us to give this stability?
<Rebecca> maybe they can give us more specific advice
<hugo> All members speak please
<hugo> are they aware of recent developments?
<Mari-Elise> yes they are
<hugo> Thought so. 
<hugo> Do they have any advise for us?
<Rebecca> The enrgy that supports all life is like water - it flows & ripples & rushes & trickles. Shivers. Planets are suspended in 'water' and the sea's a bit rough at the moment. You know how you reduce the impact of a wave in the bath with your hand....similar. We cannot stop the thing that created the wave but we can try & reduce the impact...
<Mari-Elise> to enjoy life and it connectedness to all there is, and our connectedness to others, is no obligation but a blessing which we can enjoy.
<hugo> Love and harmony
<Mari-Elise> that will be the result
<hugo> and the initiative
<Rebecca> That will be what it requires
<hugo> now
<hugo> Including all that is
<hugo> and draconians
<Rebecca> Judging by what happened earlier, we have a lot of power, if only we knew it!
<hugo> better not!
<Mari-Elise> Do you have the other part of the advide?
<Mari-Elise> advise
<hugo> Who?
<Mari-Elise> not us humans
<hugo> Dolphin wisdom?
<hugo> Draconian insight?
<hugo> Grey knowledge?
<hugo> Human experience?
<hugo> All!
<Mari-Elise> all of them, listen to the bowl 
<hugo> Was on my way to this conclusion
<hugo> Mutual respect
<Rebecca> We send out love /harmony to the whole universe, not just earth! Turn around & project out. We're very home-focussed, understandably - we can focus on the 'water' that supports all life & project love 7 harmony - not distinguishing between specifi planets - just putting it out there on the currents.
<hugo> OK
<Mari-Elise> Accepting our role in the galactic environment as part of the galactic federation of light. (shiver, little)
<hugo> The water can be seen quite litterally you know?
<Rebecca> It will be absorbed where it's needed
<hugo> It's a fundamental prerequistite
<Mari-Elise> Otherwise you will geta lawine effect, one part effect others and they effect us in a process which is hard to stop. So when we take our responisibility for our connectedness .............
<Rebecca> We are of the universe, not just earth. But we are very powerful - there's no time / space so it's like we're there - everywhere anytime. Just turn around.
<hugo> We've been there. Didn't like it much. Has cost us two globes.
<hugo> Look behind?
<Mari-Elise> one draconian bows his head and looks inside himself
<hugo> Backwards inside the outward movement.
<Mari-Elise> past is past, please dont worry just help us
<hugo> I humbly ask him to share what he sees
<Mari-Elise> his guilt on blowing earth one
<Rebecca> Oh, I guess I see myself focussing down on earth- turning around means turning my back to earth (temporarily) & focussing 'out there'. Maybe we can do both at the same time....?
<hugo> We all had our lesser moments.
<hugo> He is forgivven as far as I am concerned
<Mari-Elise> Rebecca both being upon earth and focusing upon being galactic
<hugo> He is welcome to help build the New Earth
<Mari-Elise> and now he is welcome too to help if he feels like
<hugo> Wil be nice to have some Draconian input
<hugo> Can we close the meeting?
<Mari-Elise> Just last ceremony with the bowl is left
<hugo> OK
<hugo> Let's all join hand
<hugo> s
<Rebecca> OK
<Rebecca> And fins
<hugo> yup!
<Mari-Elise> We all are asked to take some of the combined energy in the bowl to our homeplanet and give it to the waters or air of our planet. So all what is talked, heard, felt and advised is share with all on that planet
<hugo> don't forget wings
<hugo> OK
<Mari-Elise> just doing a private thing
<Mari-Elise> back
<hugo> Seen mom yet?
<Mari-Elise> Lady dolphin are you ready to come along with us (or me)?
<Mari-Elise> Who is coming with me on the beam back to earth?
<Mari-Elise> I am swimming with the dolphins again.
<Rebecca> I'll follow, last chat with Jeshua
<hugo> Give him my regards
<hugo> long chat
<Mari-Elise> with a big hug I leave Lady Dolphin for going home
<Mari-Elise> Is there a need to save this chat?
<hugo> Just for the record at least.
<hugo> Rebecca down yet?
<Rebecca> Back. 
<hugo> LOL
<Rebecca> Sure my dolphin became a killer whale
<hugo> You OK?
<hugo> HUH?
<Mari-Elise> killer whale???
<hugo> Ate you with hair and all?
<hugo> Moby Rebecca?
<Rebecca> Fine thanks, lots of support |& encouragment form Jeshua. No I swam on his back - he was beautiful - as was the dolphin. Told you there were 2 dolphins
<hugo> sounds great!
<Rebecca> My typing's really bad..
<hugo> Yeahh, we know...
<Rebecca> And it's my first language - making it hard for i think!
<Mari-Elise> with time you will become better, with every chat an approvement
<Rebecca> I mean hard for YOU
<hugo> We can manage, I hope
<Rebecca> or improvement?
<Mari-Elise> sorry yes blush
<hugo> Always room for that
<hugo> Try Chinese for second?
<Rebecca> Always room for that!
<hugo> Yup!
<hugo> Need a 3000 character keyboard
<hugo> Tomorrow Peace Palace meeting
<Rebecca> Feeling much more balanced - had a strange day, so not balanced enough to begin. Feel great now thanks. & you both?
<hugo> There in spirit?
<Rebecca> Peace palace metting?
<Mari-Elise> a little tired with my crazy scedule of this week
<Rebecca> Meeting!
<hugo> We had demo's for a year for peace and Nesara there
<Mari-Elise> We met Robert at one of these demo's
<hugo> You need glasses
<Rebecca> Got new ones!
<hugo> Clean them!
<Mari-Elise> Really, send a picture
<hugo> Or gewt the cover off.
<hugo> get
<Rebecca> Picture of?
<hugo> LOL!
<Mari-Elise> Talking about meeting in person, yes please.
<hugo> the casing
<hugo> Would be nice!
<Mari-Elise> We cant make it to England, running out of money, it is hard to tie the ends of the month to the money to keep it from running away.
<Mari-Elise> VNS
<Rebecca> Would be very nice. Mid / late March maybe - after Paris collections. Bologna in 2 weeks
<Mari-Elise> VBS
<hugo> Busy, busy, that's good!
<hugo> Hope to CU then!
<Mari-Elise> Can we find some pictures of your clothes in the magazines?
<hugo> Or internet?
<Rebecca> www.rebeccastreet/com
<hugo> That's easy. Thanx
<Rebecca> About to be updated.
<hugo> like in legging behind big time
<Rebecca> Not international magazines. Maybe McQueen after the show.
<hugo> Hey, you're out there!
<Mari-Elise> Mid of end march is fine with us, we will reserve a weekend for you (we need for we have already appointments for march)
<hugo> I'm driving a bloody flower truck!!!
<Rebecca> When - march? That's your job? 
<hugo> Can't be a pharao all the time
<Mari-Elise> and??? I am unemployed. so what.....
<hugo> Yup, gotta do something for a livin'
<hugo> tried everything else
<Rebecca> No judgement with it - wondered why you mentioned it that's all.... 
<hugo> long story, and, boring
<hugo> no ooffense taken, believe me
<Mari-Elise> a little hurt is still in it (hugo)
<hugo> just for discussion sake
<hugo> lack of acknowledgement of higher values and stuf
<Mari-Elise> Shall we close connection and save the chat?
<Rebecca> I identify with that
<hugo> Doesn't surprise me.
<hugo> Yes, it's about bed time
<Rebecca> Yes, bed time.
<hugo> Ashtar's snoring already
<Mari-Elise> Is Janna at home?
<hugo> Yes
<Rebecca> Ashtar couldn't stand the chit chat anbyway...
<Mari-Elise> Did she came with you?
<hugo> Last time I checked anyway
<Rebecca> anyway
<hugo> Lousy company those Pleiadians
<hugo> Drinking water and going to bed early
<Mari-Elise> I will stand up for him, be carefully
<hugo> Yes mam!
<Rebecca> So, until next time. Let me know the weekeneds you have free & I'll look at my diary / prices etc. 
<hugo> Just kiddin'
<Rebecca> weekeneds???
<hugo> ME is checking dates
<Mari-Elise> Last weekend is Eastern, will be fine with us
<hugo> easter
<Rebecca> I usually stay with Sophia
<Mari-Elise> March, 26 till 28.
<Mari-Elise> That is fine with us also. YOu are welcome at our house too.
<hugo> Anytime
<Rebecca> Thank you. Is there another weekend in case - Easter will probably be expensive
<hugo> Looking...
<Rebecca> Maybe week of 7th? The show is the weekend before & everyone crashes the next week. 
<Mari-Elise> First weekend of April
<hugo> 7th of march?
<Rebecca> Earliest
<Rebecca> Any luck?
<hugo> hang on
<Mari-Elise> Weekend of 11 - 13 March fine
<Rebecca> Week days
<Rebecca> OK, I'll look at that. I'll check both
<Mari-Elise> Difficult with us. Hugo works almost every evening, only tuesday he doesnt work. 
<Mari-Elise> And fridays and saturdays.
<hugo> No rest for the wicked
<Rebecca> ME are you around during the day? Hugo, do you ever come to London - I see Dutch flower lorries often near me
<hugo> Not my territory. Only domestic I'm afraid.
<Rebecca> Shame - could have had coffee!! Dinner....
<hugo> Temping...
<hugo> temptttting
<Mari-Elise> I am working at a working experience place almost every day. Only thursday morning I have spare time. In the evenings I am free and at home for the children.
<Rebecca> Temping- secretarial
<hugo> Learned something tonight
<Rebecca> OK I get the full picture now. Lets see what i can sort out. I'll let you kniow.
<hugo> Okidokee
<Rebecca> Temping short for temporary work - often secretarial, sometimes fashion work, medical etc.
<hugo> Or lorry driving
<Mari-Elise> didnt have dinner?
<hugo> Have been doing that for a while befor emy contract
<hugo> Could use a bite
<Rebecca> OK. Dinner - not really. 
<hugo> O dear!
<hugo> Pizza?
<Rebecca> me too - what's on offer - yes...
<hugo> Tuna
<Mari-Elise> learning to take care of yourself?
<Rebecca> Cornflakes!
<hugo> Yuck!
<Rebecca> And tea. Then bed
<Mari-Elise> as chips yes
<Mari-Elise> without any liquid
<hugo> Double yuck!
<Rebecca> Couldn't handle 'proper' food now.
<hugo> Fried egg on toast maybe
<Mari-Elise> some cheese on bread?
<hugo> Fine!
<Rebecca> nice - no bread though. Dried fruit maybe
<Mari-Elise> March, 26 till 28.
<Mari-Elise> That is fine with us also. YOu are welcome at our house too.
<hugo> Anytime
<Rebecca> Thank you. Is there another weekend in case - Easter will probably be expensive
<hugo> Looking...
<Rebecca> Maybe week of 7th? The show is the weekend before & everyone crashes the next week. 
<Mari-Elise> First weekend of April
<hugo> 7th of march?
<Rebecca> Earliest
<Rebecca> Any luck?
<hugo> hang on
<Mari-Elise> Weekend of 11 - 13 March fine
<Rebecca> Week days
<Rebecca> OK, I'll look at that. I'll check both
<Mari-Elise> Difficult with us. Hugo works almost every evening, only tuesday he doesnt work. 
<Mari-Elise> And fridays and saturdays.
<hugo> No rest for the wicked
<Rebecca> ME are you around during the day? Hugo, do you ever come to London - I see Dutch flower lorries often near me
<hugo> Not my territory. Only domestic I'm afraid.
<Rebecca> Shame - could have had coffee!! Dinner....
<hugo> Temping...
<hugo> temptttting
<Mari-Elise> I am working at a working experience place almost every day. Only thursday morning I have spare time. In the evenings I am free and at home for the children.
<Rebecca> Temping- secretarial
<hugo> Learned something tonight
<Rebecca> OK I get the full picture now. Lets see what i can sort out. I'll let you kniow.
<hugo> Okidokee
<Rebecca> Temping short for temporary work - often secretarial, sometimes fashion work, medical etc.
<hugo> Or lorry driving
<Mari-Elise> didnt have dinner?
<hugo> Have been doing that for a while befor emy contract
<hugo> Could use a bite
<Rebecca> OK. Dinner - not really. 
<hugo> O dear!
<hugo> Pizza?
<Rebecca> me too - what's on offer - yes...
<hugo> Tuna
<Mari-Elise> learning to take care of yourself?
<Rebecca> Cornflakes!
<hugo> Yuck!
<Rebecca> And tea. Then bed
<Mari-Elise> as chips yes
<Mari-Elise> without any liquid
<hugo> Double yuck!
<Rebecca> Couldn't handle 'proper' food now.
<hugo> Fried egg on toast maybe
<Mari-Elise> some cheese on bread?
<hugo> Fine!
<Rebecca> nice - no bread though. Dried fruit maybe